We work to bring together the supply and demand for good, grounded research that identifies the linkages between the social and institutional systems within the policy ecosystem.
The Evolution, Management and Development of the Indian Welfare State
This project seeks to explore the nuances of the Indian welfare state, and draw comparisons between the welfare approaches taken by different governments at the state and centre. Particularly, the project will involve exploring the political environment during which major welfare regimes and institutions were created, the management of these institutions by the central and state governments and the political economy of welfare in Indian public life.
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Research Papers
Workforce Participation and Employment Laws: Gendered Analysis of Women in India
While the Female Labour Force Participation in the country is seeing a steady growth over the past few years, the number of women moving out of the workforce for multiple reasons including domestic and caregiving duties is considerably high.
By Varada Marathe

Shadows in the Margins: A Look at Trafficking among India’s Vulnerable Communities
The National Human Trafficking Awareness Day 2024 raises the slogan ‘Freedom’s not for sale; fight modern slavery.’ Human Trafficking affects more than 27.6 million people worldwide, according to the International Labour Organisation (Blinken, 2023), also estimating that in 2022, 3.3 million children were being trafficked for sexual and labour exploitation at any given time.
By Anusha Arif

Mahadayi Water Dispute: A Perplexing Question of Freshwater Needs
Inter-state water disputes pose complex challenges, intertwining the needs of various stakeholders with ecological imperatives. This article delves into the Mahadayi River dispute, highlighting the perspectives of Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Goa, while probing the perplexing questions surrounding equitable water allocation and environmental preservation.
By Varada Marathe

Women’s Mobility and Public Transportation: How Gendered is Movement in Urban India?
Introduction The social and economic emancipation of women cannot be discussed without one of the critical elements which continues to enable this change—mobility. This paper explores the concept of spatial mobility as experienced by women in urban and rural spaces, and draws connections with institutional measures undertaken through gender-based reservations in public transportation in the […]
By Aneysha Roy

Climate Finance in India: Bridging the Gap in International Efforts for Equitable Allocation
Abstract India is currently at a complex standpoint since, as the most populous country, it is continuously exploring new and alternative energy due to its growing energy needs. Yet, it is now also among the largest emitters in the world. Amidst India’s energy transition goals, the country is moving towards expanding its share of renewable […]
By Anusha Arif

Towards Equality and Inclusivity: The Case of Transgender Horizontal Reservation
Abstract This article delves into the need for horizontal reservation for transgender individuals in India, particularly after the recent Madras High Court judgement. It examines the concept, distinguishing it from vertical reservation, explains its rationale for advancing transgender rights, and discusses the limitations of vertical reservation. The paper also provides insights into the current state […]
By Neha Maria Benny

Contours of Justice: Human Rights and Constitutionality of Capital Punishment in India
Background: Theory of Capital Punishment and Law Commission Reports Capital Punishment involves the legal killing of a person who has committed any crime punishable by death under a legal system, such as terrorism or murder. The practice of capital punishment has existed in all nations across the world. In India, capital punishment remains a highly […]
By Anusha Arif

Sheltering Dignity: Exploring the Hurdles in PMAY-U Implementation
Abstract As India undergoes rapid urbanisation, the challenge of providing suitable, affordable, and quality housing has become more pronounced. This paper examines the housing challenges in urban India, emphasising issues of dispossession, prolonged resettlement waits, slum redevelopment challenges, and governance issues. The paper focuses on the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), arguing for its comprehensive […]
By Neha Maria Benny

Distress or Growth? Exploring the Recent Trends in Women’s Labour Force Participation
Abstract This discussion paper critically examines the recent surge in female labour force participation in rural India, utilising key labour market metrics such as the Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR), Worker-Population Ratio (WPR), and Unemployment Rate (UR). The analysis unveils the complex dynamics behind this increase, drawing from diverse data sources, including the Periodic Labour […]
By Neha Maria Benny

Shimmers in a Dull Room: Experiences of Home-Based Women Artisans in the Kaamdani Craft
ABSTRACT The Kaamdani (also known as Muqaish) craft was traditionally done by men, however, over the years the craft has been feminised, employing home-based women workers. The women artisans in Lucknow function from within their homes, juggling between their family and work life. Home-based women artisans face challenges, which are common to most feminised handicrafts […]
By Fatima Juned & Fahad Nahvi
Your Data, Your Choice: Unpacking the Draft DPDP Rules 2025
Background India, with a population exceeding 1.4 billion, is experiencing an unparalleled digital transformation with a rapidly growing internet user base. According to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), as of 2024, the country had over 970 million active internet users, making it the second-largest online market globally. Mobile phone penetration has reached approximately […]
By Varada Marathe

An Analysis of the Pros and Cons of the Menstrual Leave Policy
Sick leave is granted to employees for health-related issues that hinder their capacity to work efficiently. Menstruators generally use up their allotted sick leave to address the discomfort and symptoms of their periods.
By Aastha Bansal

चर्चित रहा जस्टिस धनंजय चंद्रचूड का कार्यकाल
भारत के चीफ जस्टिस के रूप में जस्टिस धनंजय यशवंत चंद्रचूड का दो वर्ष का कार्यकाल सुर्खियों में रहा। वैसे तो वह आठ साल से अधिक समय तक सुप्रीम कोर्ट के जज रहे लेकिन सीजेआई के रूप में उनके दो वर्ष लगातार चर्चा में रहे। सीजेआई बनने से पहले ही जस्टिस चंद्रचूड ने कई ऐसे […]
By Vivek Varshney

Greenfield Cities: A Vision for India’s Urban Tomorrow
Adopting the compact city model in greenfield developments also aligns with global sustainability goals. Concentrating development within a limited area preserves the surrounding natural landscapes and reduces the carbon footprint.
By Anusha Arif

Redefining Care: Disability, Autonomy and the Path to Deinstitutionalization
Background The Supreme Court in India has taken a welcome step in securing the rights of persons with disabilities (PWD) and their rehabilitation. On January 19, 2024, the SC ordered all states to report on prevailing conditions across all homes for abandoned children and adults with intellectual or psychosocial disabilities within eight weeks. India has […]
By Anusha Arif

Gender Gap in Venture Capital: Analysing the Funding Gap for Startups in India
Introduction India is now the fifth-largest economy globally, with a plan to expand it to a five trillion-dollar economy by 2027. This growth trajectory is driven by robust infrastructure, an evolving digital landscape, and a surge in entrepreneurial activity. A cornerstone of this economic growth is the startup ecosystem, which is flourishing like never before. […]
By Varada Marathe

What is the Aravalli Forest Safari Project?
The Aravalli Forest project is the Haryana government’s visionary project for a colossal 10,000-acre zoo safari in the Aravallis of Gurgaon and Nuh. The proposal incorporates the importance of wildlife conservation by setting goals to accommodate an array of animals, including big cats, amphibians, and herbivores. It also includes a bird park and nature trails […]
By Anusha Arif

Reforming India’s Bureaucratic Backbone: Need for UPSC Recruitment Overhaul
India’s experience with bureaucrats over the past 75 years since independence has not been very encouraging for ordinary citizens. There has been increasing discontent about civil servants amongst citizens, as they fail to improve delivery of public service.
By Varada Marathe

Period Poverty and Public Policy: Challenges and Solutions
500 million women and girls around the world suffer from period poverty, according to World Bank estimates. In India, one can estimate numbers on the basis of different national level datasets which shed light on different aspects of the menstrual management practices of the country’s female population.
By Aneysha Roy

New Thermal Power Plants: What about India’s Promise to Diminish Coal Dependence?
Amidst international pressure for a large-scale shift from coal, India has pledged to reduce its coal consumption, aiming to generate 50% of its power from renewable sources by 2030. Yet, six years before the goal year, coal still accounts for 70% of India’s electricity generation. In fact, in February 2024, the utilisation of coal was […]
By Anusha Arif
Policy Briefs
An Approximation of Employment-Centric Social Security Frameworks in India
The ongoing design process of the social security framework best suited to the platform-based gig economy in India is a testament to the changing terrain of increasingly complex industrial relations in India. At stake is the validity of the traditional tripartite model of industrial relations and a push for creative solutions.
By Yugank Mishra

Impact of the Agnipath Scheme on Indo-Nepal Relations, China’s Involvement, and Way Forward for India
Introduction The relations between South Asian countries are laden with historical complexities and shifting strategic concerns. India’s Agnipath scheme is a drastic change in military recruitment policy on the domestic and international levels. In this article, we will analyse the effects of the Agnipath scheme on Indo-Nepal relations, discuss the change in Nepal’s inclination towards […]
By Akansha Chopra
Gender Budgeting and Electoral Politics in India: From Welfare to Empowerment
Introduction Gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) has emerged as a vital tool in addressing gender disparities, by embedding gender considerations into fiscal policies and transforming resource allocation for women-centric programs. Introduced in India in 2005-06, GRB marked a shift from the “Women in Development” approach to a broader “Gender and Development” perspective. The National Institute of Public […]
By Akansha Chopra

Social Media As An Emerging Theatre Of Fierce Political Contest: Insights From The 2024 Indian General Elections
The 2024 Indian general elections was the largest, and consequently, the most expensive election ever held, in the world. Notably, social media emerged as a dominant theatre of political campaigning, with parties spending large amounts of money on advertising, on platforms such as Meta, and on running Google advertising campaigns. However, the large-scale embrace of […]
By Yashoroop Dey

सीआरपीसी के तहत मुस्लिम महिलाएं भी भरण-पोषण की हकदार
विवेक वार्ष्णेय सुप्रीम कोर्ट के मुस्लिम महिलाओं की गरिमा और समाज में उन्हें बराबरी का दर्जा का देने के लिए एक अहम फैसला दिया है। सीआरपीसी की धारा 125 के तहत मुस्लिम महिलाएं भी गुजारा-भत्ता पाने की हकदार है। सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने स्पष्ट किया कि मुस्लिम महिलाओं के लिए 1986 में लाया गया कानून उन्हें […]
By Vivek Varshney

Towards Enhanced Security: Proposing a Himalayan Guard for India
The region shares borders with Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), China and Aksai Chin, Tibet, Nepal, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. Several of these neighbours, notably Pakistan and China, have caused conflicts in India. Additionally, border tensions with Myanmar and sporadic conflicts with Bangladesh have further highlighted the strategic importance of the Himalayas.
By Varada Marathe

Economic Transformation in Bihar: Challenges, Progress, and Prospects
The post-liberalisation growth that was observed by the western states of Punjab, Maharashtra, and Gujarat was a phenomenon that did not extend to the relatively resource-rich states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Bihar’s development continues to be plagued by factors that are linked to the mass migration observed in the state.
By Saagen Soren

गिरफ्तारी का आधार बताना लाजमी हो गया है पुलिस और जांच एजेंसियों के लिए
सुप्रीम कोर्ट के एक फैसले ने भारत के आपराधिक न्यायशास्त्र की तस्वीर बदल दी है। प्रबीर पुरकायस्थ बनाम दिल्ली सरकार के मामले में सुप्रीम कोर्ट के फैसले ने गिरफ्तारी का आधार बताना लाजमी कर दिया है। किसी भी व्यक्ति को गिरफ्तार करने से पहले पुलिस या जांच एजेंसी को यह लिखित रूप से बताना होगा […]
By Vivek Varshney

India’s Maritime Security Operations – What does India gain?
Introduction Connecting the Far East countries to Europe, the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) is strategically crucial for global trade and connectivity, playing a pivotal role in shaping regional and international dynamics. Roughly 80% of the world’s maritime oil trade flows through the IOR (Ghosh, 2020). More than 60% of the $17.43 trillion worth of global […]
By Varada Marathe

The Ins and Outs of Tobacco Farming in India
Background India currently stands as one of the world’s largest tobacco producers and exporters, second only to China and Brazil, respectively. Across 120 countries, the production of tobacco covers an estimated area of 4 million hectares of land. Despite being a party to the World Health Organisation Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2004, which […]
By Anusha Arif
Photo Archive Project
arrow_outwardKheta: Weaving a Tale of Women Empowerment, Kinship, and Inheritance
The term Shershabadi (original Shershabadia) has direct reference to the community’s place of origin, i.e., the former Jawar-e-Sarsabad, which comprised parts of Murshidabad, Malda in West Bengal, and Sahibganj district in Jharkhand.
Owing to various social, political, and environmental reasons, they migrated from their place of origin, and are now settled in Kishanganj and its neighbouring districts, in Bihar. Originally a community of settled agriculturists, they slowly dispersed along the river banks and tried to make a living through cultivation.
arrow_outwardDrying Rivers and Temple Towns: Tale of Kaveri and Srirangam
The photo story captures the neighbourhood which falls under the administration of Tiruchirappalli City Municipal Corporation and is navigating complex ecological, geographical, and governance problems.
arrow_outwardNot an ‘Aam’ Baat: How Climate Change & Fertilizers Are Damaging Mangoes in UP’s Malihabad
Malihabad, tehsil and Nagar panchayat in Lucknow district, Uttar Pradesh is famous for its mangoes. The Malihabadi Dussehra, a variety of mango, got its Geographical Indicator [GI] tag in 2009[1]. Even though Mangoes are widely consumed across the subcontinent, a common narrative of all the mango cultivators of the region is: “Everybody loves mangoes, but no one wants to make the lives of mango farmers any better.”
arrow_outwardDocumenting the Ghazipur Phool Mandi and its Phoolwallas
n the east of Delhi lies Ghazipur. Over the years, Ghazipur has become an essential route and a stop for people looking to purchase flowers for special occasions.
arrow_outwardClimate-Proofing Agriculture: Building Resilience in Agriculture and Allied Sectors
Women, Indigenous Knowledge, and Inclusive Climate Action
Introduction At the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People in August, human rights activist and environmentalist Joan Carling declared, “People are not sitting down; people are taking action. And women are at the forefront of these actions.” Her words highlight an often-overlooked truth in the fight against climate change: although women are significantly underrepresented […]
By Anusha Arif
Minority Education In India
The government of India, in November 2022, announced that it would discontinue the Maulana Azad National Fellowship for students pursuing higher studies. MANF, launched in 2009,aimed to provide financial assistance to students from six minority communities pursuing an M.Phil. or a PhD for five years. It was implemented by the Ministry of Minority Affairs. Since […]
By Gayatri Sethi

The Grassroot Women Leaders Project
Throughout India, there are several instances of women leaders at the margins- affecting change and driving leadership in critical policy and governance areas in their local communities. The SPRF Grassroots Women’s Tracker outlines a collection of such women, who have driven crucial policy changes from the bottom, in sectors such as education, local governance, sanitation, labour, livelihoods and justice.

Top 100 Countries by GDP – Purchasing Power Parity
PPP allows us to understand and make comparisons between two countries about the price of the same goods and services in both countries. Thus, a PPP analysis shows the price of the same goods and services in different economies, adjusted for parity. A high PPP implies that a basic set of essential goods and services […]
Prolonged Discrimination: Legal and Policy Failures in Protecting Manual Scavengers
Abstract The paper delves into the persistent issue of manual scavenging in India. Manual scavenging, an abominable practice, is deeply rooted in the country’s societal fabric despite legislative efforts to eradicate it. This paper examines the socio-economic complexities sustained through the practice and highlights the loopholes in the present system that allow for continued exploitation […]
By Anusha Arif

Quintessentially: Young and Political India
India is many things – among others, it is often critical to remind oneself that we speak about a subcontinent with heterogeneous and distinct identities, cultures, languages and priorities. Even as we come together as one people, we remain in many ways subject to far too many interpretations, hence often easily misunderstood. Unlike multiple other […]
By Research Desk

Crisis of Confidence in India’s Pharmaceutical Sector
Introduction The Indian pharmaceutical sector holds a significant position in the global pharmaceutical industry, ranking among the top providers of generic medicines globally. It stands as the world’s third-largest pharmaceutical industry in volume and the fourteenth-largest in value. In the previous year, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman emphasised India’s recognition as “the global pharmacy” due […]
By Neha Chauhan

The Inclusive Education Project: Documenting Experiences of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education
ABOUT THE REPORT India has focused considerably on improving its education system in recent years. With nearly 2.68 crore citizens being persons with disabilities, the education system is slowly pivoting to accommodate the needs of students with disabilities. For instance, the New Education Policy 2020 makes several provisions to address the inequality of access to […]
How Inclusive are India’s Health Policies?
ABSTRACT Tribal communities in India are some of the most vulnerable social groups despite having a special status guaranteed by the Indian Constitution. Being at the margins both in the demographic and socio-economic sense, they experience extreme inequalities, especially in their access to healthcare. This Issue Brief attempts to locate these tribal communities in the public […]
By Arshiya Singh

The Status of Anganwadi Workers in Delhi
In 2017, the National Nutrition Mission (NNM) or POSHAN Abhiyan was launched by the government of India to improve nutritional outcomes for children, pregnant women, and lactating mothers. The mission was aimed at monitoring, supervising, setting targets, and guiding nutrition-related policies across ministries (PIB 2017). This was to be achieved by initially mapping all ongoing […]
By Research Desk & Center for Civic Engagement