Burning Landscapes: Assessing the Concerns and Actualities of Forest Fires in India

By :- Anusha Arif


Forest fires have emerged as a critical environmental concern in India, further enhanced by the country’s susceptibility to climate-related risks. This paper investigates India’s escalating threat of forest fires over the last two decades by examining the interplay between vulnerability, ecological significance and state disparities. A comprehensive analysis of secondary data sources makes a case for urgent examination of the cause and the preventive actions taken by the state and central governments. Insights gleaned from personal interviews with fire professionals with the government and conservation societies provide an in-depth understanding of the on-ground reality of forest fires and its related challenges. In light of these findings, the paper advocates for proactive measures to mitigate the risks associated with forest fires in India. It emphasises the necessity of interventions to regulate the human activities that have involuntarily exposed forests to fires and awareness campaigns for sensitive communities residing in high-risk forest fire zones.