Research Papers

Human Rights & Law

Women’s Healthcare: Budgeting and Policy Insights from Maharashtra and West Bengal

Introduction Throughout India’s history, both pre- and post-independence, Maharashtra and West Bengal have been leaders in advancing social reforms for women. Maharashtra’s contributions include the pioneering efforts of Jyotiba Phule and his wife Savitribai Phule, who broke societal barriers by establishing the first school for girls in Pune. Reformers like Dhondo Keshav Karve further pushed […]

Human Rights & Law

Shadows in the Margins: A Look at Trafficking among India’s Vulnerable Communities

The National Human Trafficking Awareness Day 2024 raises the slogan ‘Freedom’s not for sale; fight modern slavery.’ Human Trafficking affects more than 27.6 million people worldwide, according to the International Labour Organisation (Blinken, 2023), also estimating that in 2022, 3.3 million children were being trafficked for sexual and labour exploitation at any given time. 

Environment and Energy

Mahadayi Water Dispute: A Perplexing Question of Freshwater Needs

Inter-state water disputes pose complex challenges, intertwining the needs of various stakeholders with ecological imperatives. This article delves into the Mahadayi River dispute, highlighting the perspectives of Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Goa, while probing the perplexing questions surrounding equitable water allocation and environmental preservation.

Human Rights & Law

Women’s Mobility and Public Transportation: How Gendered is Movement in Urban India?

Introduction  The social and economic emancipation of women cannot be discussed without one of the critical elements which continues to enable this change—mobility. This paper explores the concept of spatial mobility as experienced by women in urban and rural spaces, and draws connections with institutional measures undertaken through gender-based reservations in public transportation in the […]

Environment and Energy

Climate Finance in India: Bridging the Gap in International Efforts for Equitable Allocation

Abstract India is currently at a complex standpoint since, as the most populous country, it is continuously exploring new and alternative energy due to its growing energy needs. Yet, it is now also among the largest emitters in the world. Amidst India’s energy transition goals, the country is moving towards expanding its share of renewable […]

Human Rights & Law

Towards Equality and Inclusivity: The Case of Transgender Horizontal Reservation

Abstract This article delves into the need for horizontal reservation for transgender individuals in India, particularly after the recent Madras High Court judgement. It examines the concept, distinguishing it from vertical reservation, explains its rationale for advancing transgender rights, and discusses the limitations of vertical reservation. The paper also provides insights into the current state […]

Human Rights & Law

Contours of Justice: Human Rights and Constitutionality of Capital Punishment in India

Background: Theory of Capital Punishment and Law Commission Reports Capital Punishment involves the legal killing of a person who has committed any crime punishable by death under a legal system, such as terrorism or murder. The practice of capital punishment has existed in all nations across the world. In India, capital punishment remains a highly […]

Economy and Society

Sheltering Dignity: Exploring the Hurdles in PMAY-U Implementation

Abstract As India undergoes rapid urbanisation, the challenge of providing suitable, affordable, and quality housing has become more pronounced. This paper examines the housing challenges in urban India, emphasising issues of dispossession, prolonged resettlement waits, slum redevelopment challenges, and governance issues. The paper focuses on the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), arguing for its comprehensive […]

Human Rights & Law

Distress or Growth? Exploring the Recent Trends in Women’s Labour Force Participation

Abstract This discussion paper critically examines the recent surge in female labour force participation in rural India, utilising key labour market metrics such as the Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR), Worker-Population Ratio (WPR), and Unemployment Rate (UR). The analysis unveils the complex dynamics behind this increase, drawing from diverse data sources, including the Periodic Labour […]

Economy and Society

Shimmers in a Dull Room: Experiences of Home-Based Women Artisans in the Kaamdani Craft

ABSTRACT The Kaamdani (also known as Muqaish) craft was traditionally done by men, however, over the years the craft has been feminised, employing home-based women workers. The women artisans in Lucknow function from within their homes, juggling between their family and work life. Home-based women artisans face challenges, which are common to most feminised handicrafts […]

Environment and Energy

India’s DISCOMs: Weak Link in the Power Sector

  ABSTRACT: Power is among the most critical components of infrastructure and serves as a crucial metric for assessing the living standard of a country’s population. Unfortunately, a variety of problems plague India’s power sector. The poor financial health of power distribution companies has often been recognised as a critical issue impacting the power sector’s […]

Economy and Society

Language Endangerment and Culture Loss – A Case Study of Tai Khamti

  Author: Ritwiz Sarma ABSTRACT: Language has a deep and well-documented relationship with culture. Therefore, its loss has significant implications for communities’ cultural heritage. This study attempts to analyse the cultural impact of language loss in Tai Khamti speakers, an endangered language community native to North-Eastern India. Primary data is collected to assess cultural markers […]

Economy and Society

Delhi Metro Rail System and the Need for An Inclusive Last-mile Connectivity System

Abstract The Delhi Metro-Rail [DMR] System is an essential mode of mass transit that facilitates an integrated urban public transport system. However, poor last-mile connectivity impacts the DMR system’s ridership and makes it less inclusive for socio-economically marginalised groups. It is important to understand the issues related to last-mile connectivity because it is essential to […]