Environment and Energy

India vs. EU’s CBAM: Trade Wars & Green Tariffs

Introduction  The European Union has been at the forefront of global climate policy, aiming to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 under its European Green Deal. To support this goal, the EU has introduced several measures, including the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The CBAM has been viewed as a key intervention to reduce carbon leakage. […]

Great Nicobar Dilemma: Weighing Progress Against Preservation

Background  The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a remote archipelago in the Bay of Bengal, are renowned for their pristine beaches, rich biodiversity and vibrant indigenous cultures. Much of the rich biodiversity has remained undiscovered in parts of the islands, and the fragile ecosystem faces significant environmental challenges.  The island of Great Nicobar, a part of […]

Navigating the Road to Sustainability: Vehicle Scrapping Policy 

Introduction The transport sector is estimated to emit 12 per cent of the CO2 emissions in India, making it one of the top contributors to pollution in the country. Vehicle Scrapping Policies (VSP) have been introduced as incentive programs that encourage the replacement of old vehicles with newer, more efficient vehicles. On the face of it, […]

New Thermal Power Plants: What about India’s Promise to Diminish Coal Dependence? 

Amidst international pressure for a large-scale shift from coal, India has pledged to reduce its coal consumption, aiming to generate 50% of its power from renewable sources by 2030. Yet, six years before the goal year, coal still accounts for 70% of India’s electricity generation. In fact, in February 2024, the utilisation of coal was […]

Mahadayi Water Dispute: A Perplexing Question of Freshwater Needs

Inter-state water disputes pose complex challenges, intertwining the needs of various stakeholders with ecological imperatives. This article delves into the Mahadayi River dispute, highlighting the perspectives of Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Goa, while probing the perplexing questions surrounding equitable water allocation and environmental preservation.

The Ins and Outs of Tobacco Farming in India

Background  India currently stands as one of the world’s largest tobacco producers and exporters, second only to China and Brazil, respectively. Across 120 countries, the production of tobacco covers an estimated area of 4 million hectares of land.  Despite being a party to the World Health Organisation Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2004, which […]

Heat Trapped: Urban Heat Islands and Health Ramifications in Delhi

Introduction Delhi, the bustling capital city of India, records higher temperatures every year during summer. The summer of 2023 recorded the highest temperature of 2023 at 42.9°C in May (Akhtar, 2023). Surrounding semi-urban areas around Delhi, such as Basai and Jhajjar, also witnessed high temperatures throughout the same month; however, while Delhi experienced an average […]

India’s Ebbing Water: Conservation Measures and Impacts of New Amendments 

Abstract For India, a nation grappling with a rapidly growing population, urbanisation and environmental degradation, water conservation is a critical priority. Current data stresses India’s need to strengthen its conservation tactics and policies to tackle the upcoming challenge of water scarcity in the country. This paper looks at the current state of water bodies and […]